Depression Causes - What causes depression?
What are the causes of clinical depression? A simple question with many answers and theories. Many people have wondered why I am depressed while others are not? Why I am the only one in my family who feels sad all the time?
well, let's try to collect the pieces of the puzzle and keep in mind that knowing the problem is the half of the solution so let's get started.
depression is very complicated disease, and many factors could be the reason why it has occurred, some people experience depression as a result of some unwanted changes in their lives such as a medical illness like cancer, moving to another country or state, losing a job or the death of a loved one... while others with a family history of depression may get depressed and feel sad for no obvious reason.
Finally, depression turns the life of the sufferer upside down and affects him socially and both at home and work. But the good news depression can be treated using the medical way or the natural way or for better results they could be used together. And keep in mind depression should not be ignored or left without treatment.
==> Depression Treatment - Treatment for Depression! <==
well, let's try to collect the pieces of the puzzle and keep in mind that knowing the problem is the half of the solution so let's get started.
depression is very complicated disease, and many factors could be the reason why it has occurred, some people experience depression as a result of some unwanted changes in their lives such as a medical illness like cancer, moving to another country or state, losing a job or the death of a loved one... while others with a family history of depression may get depressed and feel sad for no obvious reason.
What are the main causes of depression??
- Genetics : depression tends to run in families and people with a family history of the disease are more likely to suffer from depression than other people. Many scientific researchers have shown that some genes make people vulnerable to depression, and even though the evidence of a genetic links to depression the genes that cause the illness are still unknown.
- biological causes(brain structure and chemical imbalance) : scientific researchers indicates that the brain structure of people with depression is different than other people without this mental illness, the hippocampus which a small part of the brain tend to be smaller compared to the normal size, the hippocampus has serotonin receptors, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, appetite, learning and memory that's the reason why a smaller hippocampus with few serotonin receptors leads to a chemical imbalance in the brain which creates the feelings of depression.
- Death (grief) : death is a natural event in the circle of life but in some cases the grief from the loss of a loved one may turn into a chronic depression.
- Sexual, physical abuse : the victims of this kind of crimes and aggressions are highly prone to depression.
- Medications : some drugs used to treat high blood pressure or other illness such as beta blockers can increase the risk of developing depression.
- major changes in life : getting divorced, retiring, losing a job or moving to another place can be the cause of depression, however, it may sound strange but good events such as getting married, starting a good career or graduating can also lead to depression.
- Chronic illness : in some cases depression co-exists with a chronic illness such as diabetes or a heart disease.
- Other problems : sometimes depression can be caused by some personal issues such as conflicts with family members or friends and also bad childhood can leave its scars later in life.
Finally, depression turns the life of the sufferer upside down and affects him socially and both at home and work. But the good news depression can be treated using the medical way or the natural way or for better results they could be used together. And keep in mind depression should not be ignored or left without treatment.
==> Depression Treatment - Treatment for Depression! <==
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