Anxiety Treatment - Treatment for anxiety!
Natural remedies to anxiety:
Our mother earth has given us the remedy to every illness no matter how complicated it is, Natural remedies for anxiety does exist, not only medication can give you a solution to this Problem .anxiety disorders is the body reaction to danger by releasing a big amount of adrenalin which is natural when facing a dangerous situation, unfortunately the anxiety sufferers experience this body reaction even without an obvious reason to provoke such an intense fear, this reaction leads the patient to be uncomfortable and worried and have physical and psychological symptoms.
So let’s take a look at some of these remedies:
1. Meditation: meditation is the easiest and the fastest way to reduce anxiety, so if you have never tried meditation it is time to give it a shot it’s totally free!! First of all if you are a beginner get yourself a CD or an MP3 for a guided meditation, just get yourself into a quiet room and a comfortable position and make sure that nobody distracts you and just follow the calming voice that will give the instructions on how to breath and what to think of .after 5 or 10 minutes of the experience you will notice a big change and you will feel more relaxed and more confident, so do it at least 2 times a day and your anxiety will be reduced or even disappear.
2. Visualization: another great remedy for anxiety it’s fast, easy and free!! Visualizations create a peaceful state of mind which helps you get over anxiety and be positive and confident. You can try it in the morning or before going to bed. Use all your senses to see yourself peacefully going through a stressful situation. The more you use visualization the more it affects your mental state.
3. Affirmations: affirmations are statements you should repeat in your head at least 10 times once you feel very anxious- you can say it louder or quieter if you are around people- just feel it and be as confident as you can, it must come from the heart, just start by saying:
- I accept who I am
- I am relaxed
- I am safe
- I can do this
- Yes I can!!
Feel free to say whatever you want; the important thing is that the affirmation should be effective, strong and came out from the bottom of your heart.
Some breathing techniques used together with affirmations would be very helpful.
4. Religion: believing in god and praying for his help is a powerful tool to reduce anxiety, it gives you hope and positive energy and some peace of mind.
5. Sport: according to many scientific researches, practicing sport stimulates our brain to release magical chemicals called endorphins. This natural substance is known by its ability to reduce anxiety and depression and even physical pain.
6. Yoga: practicing yoga including the breathing exercises (pranayama) helps the body reduce anxiety and keep your mind calm and fresh.
7. Herbal Remedies: there are many herbals known to contain anti-anxiety ingredients, here’s the names of some herbals that might help:
- Passion flower
- Valerian
- Kava kava
- Meadow sweet
- Gingko biloba
==> Anxiety Symptoms - Anxiety attack symptoms! <==
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